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Introducing account-based marketing & sales

The future of sales success is here.


Discover the benefits of account-based marketing & sales.


Chances are if you’ve landed on this page, you’ve already heard the buzz around account-based marketing and sales (ABM&S) on the strategic scene – the benchmarks of which have roots in the 1990s, when B2C and B2B companies began to realise the need for more personalised marketing.

Although almost 40 years in practice, most organisations are only just learning about the benefits of ABM&S as it begins to make waves. But is it just a trend that will come and go as quickly as it arrived? Or is it the future of marketing and sales? A new way to successfully secure target accounts in a far more effective way?


Let’s talk about it.


No matter whether you’re a small business looking to expand your reach, or an established organisation seeking a new way of streamlining their processes for stellar results, you most likely have the same goal:

To increase your performance and sales with a new sales and marketing approach.

If you’re up on your reading, you may remember when Don Peppers and Martha Rogers published The One to One Future in 1993, forecasting the movement from mass marketing to the personalised, one-to-one marketing of today.

With the sheer amount of content and campaigns taking up today’s marketing space, people are craving a more personalised, memorable approach that will stand out among the noise.

Account-based marketing and sales (ABM&S) is considered a key way of doing this, and is a strategy that focuses on customer experience over and above everything else, while requiring sales and marketing teams to work together towards identifying exactly who you’re looking for.

As such, ABM&S has become a popular tactic for many marketing, sales and customer success teams looking to stay ahead of the curve.


But why, and how?


Together with an increase in visibility to your direct target market, streamlining both the content and unique offering is almost guaranteed to lead to more sales and an ongoing relationship with future accounts.

It’s vital to direct your marketing sales efforts to the correct places for maximum impact, and ABM&S enables you to do just that by first identifying your target accounts, and then working backward to create campaigns that speak directly to key decision-makers.

For many customer-centric companies, this strategy works far better than working to attract a large number of prospects, then developing niche content to move ideal prospects through a funnel.

After all, you wouldn’t market milk to lactose intolerant people, so why spend the time and money marketing your unique offering to those you’re not looking to speak to?


How ABM&S can increase your ROI.


By adjusting from a lead-centric to an account-centric mentality, you’re focusing not on what it is you do, but why it is they need you. These feelings of relatability will naturally lead you to close deals more quickly and easily, while upping your ROI.

“Account-based marketing focuses on a few large and important accounts or those potential accounts that hold the greatest promise of adding to your bottom line,” says Elyse Flynn Meyer, president and founder of Prism Global Marketing Solutions. “That’s why it’s so critical to have a high-touch and highly targeted message to these individuals, because of their revenue potential and impact to sales and marketing.”

Of course, companies require different strategies depending on their goals, but in terms of ICP (Ideal Customer Profile) and target audience, ABM&S is considered the most effective for those seeking:

  • An effective way to reach high-value customers that saves both time and effort, while guaranteeing results
  • A way for marketing teams and sales teams to work in sync, sharing knowledge and building morale
  • An automated marketing process to streamline steps in the process, such as lead generation automation or email follow-ups
  • A strategy to build ongoing personal relationships with key decision-makers

Every business has the primary goal of increasing sales and securing target accounts. How to go about this, however, is up to you.

ABM&S has been tried and tested for customer-centric companies, and has been proven to be a highly successful strategy to achieve the following:

  • Reach high value customers while saving time, and guaranteeing results
  • Build morale and a shared knowledge platform between marketing and sales teams
  • An automated method of streamlining time-sensitive steps in the strategy process
  • Build ongoing personal relationships with key decision-makers

So, organisations seeking maximum campaign impact, increased ROI, and a direct channel of communication to key target accounts, should adopt ABM&S for improved (and highly impressive) results.


What’s next?


With the sheer amount of content and campaigns taking up today’s marketing space, people are craving a more personalised, memorable approach that will stand out among the noise.

With these newly-gained insights into the world of account-based marketing, your organisation will be able to create meaningful connections with those that matter. Rather than spending a ton of time creating content for anyone and everyone, your message will reach your targets and create a lasting impact.

That’s the power of marketing to a chosen few rather than everyone.


Are you ready to take a giant leap forward with your marketing?


If you’re ready to build your dream marketing team, and take a giant leap forward in the way you market and scale your business, then please get in touch for an informal chat on how we can help you achieve your aspirations for your business.

Get in touch today by email at or on +44 (0) 1202 201930

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